Flowers and candy means romance: Although flowers & candy are a nice gesture, they are so common and often a cold gesture. You can still give your partner flowers and candy but spice it up some or try variations. Try taking your partner to the place where you first met and present the flowers and candy to them there. Going that extra step and not stopping at ordinary makes all of the difference when it comes to being romantic.

You cannot learn to be romantic: The truth is, no one is born with a ‘Romance Gene’. Everyone has to learn how to be romantic either from a book, the way your friends or family treat each other, movies, TV, or some other resource. One nice thing about Romance is that it is contagious, as time goes on you want to be more and more romantic towards your partner and chances are your partner will be more romantic in return. It should come naturally and eventually with love, will.

You have to plan to be romantic: The nice thing about Romance is that there is no exact formula – what one person finds extremely romantic may not be romantic at all to someone else. The key to being Romantic is to find out what your partner finds Romantic. Don’t be afraid to ask them, they will be glad you did. Again…pay attention to your partner!

Being Romantic on Valentines Day, anniversaries or on a birthday is sufficient: Being romantic on the days you are supposed to be is expected. Being romantic all year round on the other hand is vital to the overall health of you relationship. Every successful relationship needs impulsiveness and spontaneity – it keeps things exciting.

Being Romantic requires spending money: Romance isn’t about how much money you spend on your partner or how much money you have. It’s about trying to make some of their fantasies and dreams come true. Most of the time just opening the door for your partner or complementing them on the way they look, smell or feel will make them feel more loved than buying them an expensive gift.

Romance requires effort and a lot of time: While some aspects of romance can require lots of time, romance is also about the little things that make a big difference in a relationship. A simple thing like turning down the lights, putting on your favorite music and close dancing in the kitchen while dinner is cooking exudes Romance and takes very little time and effort.

Only Women are more romantic then men: In most relationships, the woman is considered to be more romantic, however this does not have to be the case. Both men and women need to partake in the game of romance. The only difference between a romantic person and the unromantic person is the amount of time they devote to doing the little things for their partner and their relationship. It is about paying attention more than anything.

Misconceptions about Romance and being romantic...

Romantic Intimacy

Tips on achieving and maintaining the "Spark"

Romance is the flavor of love. Have you ever paused to wonder what it is that brings enthusiasm in life? Romance is that elixir that makes you vibrant, vivacious and full of vitality. Everyone has their own idea of romance and romantic ideas, what are your ideas of romance? Someone who's sensitive about his or her beloved's needs is romantic. The idea of romance can be as simple as a peck on a cheek, a warm hug or just uttering those three miraculous words "I love you." These gestures appear romantic and are best when your beloved is least expecting them.

We all know that it isn't enough to love a person; it is just as important to express our love in a relationship. Love without expression is as good as not there. You need to show your love, not only in words but also in gestures that speak louder than words. You need to unique ways of letting your love know how much you care. You have to find new ideas to express your love every day, if not every moment. Thinking of new ways of saying 'I love you' is what romantic ideas are all about.

Whether you’ve been in a relationship for over 10 years or are just starting out, we all have our own idea of what romance is. Romance is an essential element of every successful and passionate relationship. Usually relationships start with romance but life has a tendency to interfere. I have listed below what I believe are the biggest misconceptions and silly ideas that people (mostly men!) have about being romantic.

Wrong ideas about romance and being romantic…

Romance means sex: This could not be any further from the truth. Although romance can lead to sex, a person being romantic just for sex will be completely transparent and possibly backfire. Think of Romance as ‘Mental Foreplay’. Romance let’s your loved one know that not only did you think about them but you took the extra step to show them how much they mean to you.

A fulfilling relationship can do without romance: Between our jobs, hobbies, and all the other things that life throws at us, our relationship with our partner tends to take a back seat to those things we perceive as more important in life. The reality is that the relationship with our partner is the glue that holds everything else in our life together. Adding Romance to your relationship will not only make it more exciting but also more enjoyable.