Today's Love Poem

Love Poems

A deeper closeness....

Bring your true self together with another....

Romantic Intimacy
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Intimacy in a relationship is the process of revealing and offering the essence of yourself to the anther significant person in your life. It is the most difficult part of any relationship because we spend much of our time and energy keeping our true selves from each other in a relationship. Most want and need intimacy but it is a natural response to protect our most intimate feelings.

Being intimate means opening up all the deepest reaches of you mind, body, and soul, to another human being who is also imperfect just like you. If we can remember that it is as difficult for our partner as it is for us to open ourselves to intimacy, we have the best chance to fully achieve it.

Tips on achieving and maintaining the "Spark"

To be open and ready for intimacy you must allow another person to learn...
What excites you?
What moves you?
What drives you?
What inspires you?
What your goals in life are
What scares you?
What upsets you?
The dreams and passions of your heart and mind
Intimacy requires that you take off your public mask and just like the onion, you peel off and reveal layer upon layer of your true self. There is no greater gift than revealing everything that shapes and directs your life that you can give to a person who accepts it joyfully.  When you allow another person into your mind, body, soul, and heart you have done all what intimacy requires. Now it is important to understand that not all relationships are worth or deserve such complete intimacy, however your primary relationship should be worth the effort to achieve mutual romantic intimacy if you desire long-term romance.
Here is offered insights into intimacy to help others advance the transition from blind romantic love to true intimate romance.  True romance that can last long term needs a foundation of intimacy.

-Counselor Evelynn

Intimacy in a relationship is the process of revealing and offering the essence of yourself to the anther significant person in your life. It is the most difficult part of any relationship because we spend much of our time and energy keeping our true selves from each other in a relationship. Most want and need intimacy but it is a natural response to protect our most intimate feelings.

WhaT is Intimacy?


Intimacy is the process of giving yourself completely in honest transparent self-revelation.

Intimacy can lead to...